Essex County Council, Information Services (IS)
Third largest local authority in England with £2 billion turnover and 45,900 staff – providing frontline services to 1.3 million people. The IS project was created to seamlessly transit the provision of 11 service areas from the strategic partner back into ECC including the transfer of all roles under The Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations (TUPE).

“Aileen created a joint employee engagement programme to break down the barriers and mistrust within the two teams.”
Bill Hall, Project Director, Deloitte

To create and deliver a communications strategy for IS during the six-month period.
To ensure that all key and operational messaging was clear, consistent and managed expectations realistically, across key audiences, utilising a multi-channel approach (intranet – tailored micro-site, ticker tape, front page stories, blogs; employee magazines (soft & HTML); ECC wide emails; cascaded briefings; IT Clinics; and relationship managers).
Worked closely with People & Organisation and strategic partner to create and deliver a Joint Employee Engagement programme.
“Aileen was engaged by a large local authority to supply communications expertise during the transition period of a strategic partnership contract for the provision of IT and telecoms services. The transition project was a largely lift and shift exercise, undertaken in a very short period of time, with eleven different service lines to identify and subsequently migrate in-house. This was not a straightforward undertaking with the contract being terminated early and a large number of staff being transferred back into the local authority under the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 (TUPE Regs).
“The primary communications challenge was to initially deliver a difficult message about the on-going level of service during transition to service users all of whom had differing requirements and levels of technical understanding. There was then an ongoing requirement to dispel any unrealistic expectations around the instant re-engineering and improvement of IT service post transition. A secondary challenge was to engage with staff being transferred and those already in the authority who were part of the contract management team. The requirement was to unite these groups and breakdown entrenched and residual hostility resulting from the previous commercial relationship between the parent entities and subsequent contract termination.
“Aileen’s response to these twin demands was very effective. Within three weeks of engagement she had created a clear proactive communications strategy, which she implemented effectively, efficiently and professionally. Aileen created a joint employee engagement programme to break down the barriers and mistrust within the two teams. Her events were highly successful and were crucial in creating a unified culture under challenging circumstances.
“I would recommend Aileen to anyone in need of a strong communications professional for a project with a challenging timescale and a difficult message.”