HR Access UK

HR software & outsourcing specialist with HQ in Paris, owned by Fidelity Investments.

“It was a key advantage that Aileen spoke excellent French, not that common amongst English-speaking natives, that made her mission with us a success.”

Marketing Strategy Scotland


To establish UK marketing department, including: execution and management of tactical marketing activities – telemarketing, PR, collateral, client events, website; manage marketing budget of £175,000; manage and develop PR agency relationship; design marketing plans and associated budget.



  • Delivery of corporate brochure.
  • Delivered two white papers and a synopsis of third to establish brand as thought leader and generate PR coverage (12 pieces in trade press from full profiles to comments).
  • Managed rewrite of corporate website into clear, fluent English
“As soon as I met Aileen, I knew we were going to work well together. Not a simple context to manage for her, a UK start-up, and part of an international organisation: plenty to do and plenty of co-ordination necessary with corporate headquarters in France. It was a key advantage that Aileen spoke excellent French, not that common amongst English-speaking natives, that made her mission with us a success. I’m ready to work with Aileen again.”
Jean-Marc Duquenoy

International Product Marketing, HR Access Solutions

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