YouthNet UK
Online charitable organisation supporting young people and enabling community volunteers
“Aileen is an achievement-orientated, hard-working, experienced professional with a sense of humour.”
Fiona Dawe, CBE, CEO, YouthNet UK

To manage and co-ordinate marketing and communications activity – online marketing; branding; communications; events; CRM & literature – to reach target audiences, generate income and traffic, and raise the profile of the charity’s achievements and services.
Led the rebranding project for ‘’ producing brand wheels, personalities and values, in collaboration with creative agencies incorporating focus and stakeholder groups’ input, prior to the creation of a new look and feel, to work online and on mobile phones.
“Aileen slotted in really quickly and professionally when she worked with us from January – May 2007. We have a small, but committed and dynamic team and while she was at YouthNet she worked on 2 of our key online services for young people – The, delivering high-quality information, signposting & frontline emotional support and, all about volunteering. She managed and co-ordinated the following: online marketing; branding; communications; events; CRM & literature – to reach target audiences, generate income and traffic, and raise the profile of the charity’s achievements and services. Aileen is an achievement-orientated, hard-working, experienced professional with a sense of humour.”

Online charity for young people delivering high-quality information, signposting & frontline emotional support.

One-stop shop for advice and information on volunteering.